Sophos Product Lifecycle
Enhance your defenses and simplify management with cloud-based cybersecurity.
Given the aggressive nature of attacks that continue across all industries, along with the ever-increasing pace of cybersecurity, customers should ensure that they have regular patching and upgrade plans.
Sophos products will progress through a normal product lifecycle, eventually reaching the End of Sale and End of Life milestones. It is important that you check the retirement calendars below to confirm your Sophos products are active and in support.
Product Alerts
Sophos Products Now End of Life
The following products have reached their end of life and are no longer supported. They will no longer receive updates. Customers who continue to use these products after July 20, 2023 may see updating errors in their management console and will not be protected against the latest threats.
If you still use one of the products below, please refer to the migration section on this page, and contact your Sophos partner for information on how to best migrate to a supported product.
Endpoint and Server Protection products managed by Sophos Enterprise Console (on-premises)
Sophos Anti-Virus for Linux (managed by Sophos Enterprise Console and Sophos Central)
Sophos Anti-Virus for UNIX
Sophos for Virtual Environments (managed by Sophos Enterprise Console and Sophos Central)
Sophos Mobile (managed on-premises)
Sophos Web Appliance
Sophos Email Appliance
PureMessage for Unix and PureMessage for Exchange
Upgrade to the latest cybersecurity products and an Adaptive Cybersecurity Ecosystem
Get the most advanced protection
Benefit from world-leading security technology that utilizes techniques such as artificial intelligence to stop the latest threats.
Consolidate management
Sophos products are managed from Sophos Central, a unified cloud console for management and security operations.
Adaptive Cybersecurity Ecosystem
Use a security ecosystem that proactively shares threat intelligence and works together for a coordinated response.
Implement security that grows with you
Automatically upgrade to the latest product version, add new solutions, and test new products directly from Sophos Central.
Retirement Calendars
To help customers stay current, Sophos maintains retirement calendars for products and hardware. These retirement calendars identify End of Sale and End of Life dates so customers are aware of when products will no longer be sold, supported, or operational. When applicable, the calendars offer migration paths and successor product recommendations.
Sophos has compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions to assist with the understanding of this process.
Migration Paths
Sophos will recommend a successor product for each product that reaches the End of Sale or End of Life phase in the Product Lifecycle. There are recommended migration paths for most Sophos products with a confirmed End of Life date. Sophos Support has created a Migration Center with useful information on migrating to Sophos products.
Networking Appliances and Products
- Sophos Firewall
- Sophos UTM (SG Series)
- Cyberoam Appliances
- Web Appliance
Migration Assistance
Sophos offers professional services to assist with the migration to a successor product. For details on how Sophos Professional Services can assist with a successful migration, visit the Professional Services web page. You can also contact your local Sophos Sales Partner to discuss additional options.
Sophos strongly recommends following industry-standard migration best-practice principles. These include (but are not limited to): planning, testing, backing up, defining and testing a roll-back strategy, and being prepared to execute your roll-back strategy within your defined maintenance window in the event the steps provided are unsuccessful. For product-specific recommendations for migration steps and best practices please refer to the appropriate product-migration pages above.